Anchor Made To Strip on Live TV 4K


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Anchor Made To Strip on Live TV 4K

Join me live on Rise and Shine to discuss the viral video sensation that’s got everyone talking; a ‘mad scientist’ who’s threatening to make the whole world strip off if he doesn’t receive $5 billion! As if! How ridiculous! And just while we’re discussing it live on air, he phones in to threaten me personally! What a joke – I’m hardly going to start stripping off on live TV! I’m a born again Christian for heaven’s sake! And I’ve never taken my clothes off for anyone, let alone an audience. I continue the broadcast, but suddenly realise my hands are beginning to stray over my cardigan, undoing buttons. I control myself and re-fasten my cardigan, but then my restless, out-of-control hands start plucking at the hem of my skirt too! It doesn’t take me long to realise that the ‘mad scientist’ is controlling my hands, and that however hard I try, I cannot stop myself removing my cardigan, unzipping my dress, displaying my silky slip, and finally showing the whole world my underwear! But just when I think it can’t get any worse, it does. My hands seem to want me to remove my bra and panties too! How can I possibly bear it? This is so humiliating!

30 minutes




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